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Setting up a fuzzing job

This page walks you through setting up a fuzzing job in production. That process repeats the steps described in setting up fuzzing, but also requires extra configuration for automated build updates.


To take full advantage of continuous fuzzing, you should set up a build pipeline first. By doing this, ClusterFuzz will automatically find bugs in your most recent changes, report ranges of commits where regressions are introduced, and verify fixes.

If you wish to run with a single build while preparing a build pipeline, you can follow the setting up fuzzing instructions directly.

Creating a job definition

You can create a job definition on the Jobs page. To understand the process of job creation, see setting up fuzzing. That page explains the difference between two fuzzing approaches (coverage guided vs blackbox) and provides guidance on how to set up a job for each of those.

Specifying a continuous build

To allow ClusterFuzz to take advantage of your build pipeline you must point to the Google Cloud Storage bucket where your builds are stored in your job definition’s “Environment String”.

RELEASE_BUILD_BUCKET_PATH = gs://my-bucket/my-build-([0-9]+).zip

# These are only needed for blackbox fuzzing.
APP_NAME = myapp
APP_ARGS = -args -to -pass -to -myapp

The RELEASE_BUILD_BUCKET_PATH in the above example is a regular expression that specifies which bucket to read build archives from. Any files in the bucket that match the specified expression are treated as potential builds for this job. In this example, a build at the path gs://my-bucket/ would be a match, and would be used by this job.

The ([0-9]+) regex in RELEASE_BUILD_BUCKET_PATH is used to compute the revision number for this build. This is used to determine which builds are newer than others. The build with the highest revision number will always be selected for fuzzing. ClusterFuzz expects that any build with a greater revision number than another is the newer build.

Note: The parentheses around the revision number regex are required and is the match group that ClusterFuzz uses to determine which part of the expression represents the revision number.

For a complete list of options, look at bot/env.yaml in the source checkout.

Advanced options

Ignoring outdated revisions

In addition to the variables defined above, you may also define the MIN_REVISION variable. This can be useful when you make significant, non-backwards-compatible changes in your build such that older revisions will not work properly and need to be discarded.

Linking to documentation

A job can specify a HELP_URL which each test case report for this job will link to. This allows you to provide instructions to developers on how they should treat the bugs they are assigned.

Job definition reference

For a more comprehensive overview of the options, see the job definition reference page.